Freelancer Performance
Tasks Done 3771
Satisfied 3748
Not Satisfied 23
Earned $130.266
Earned/Task $0.035
Last Task Submitted 6 mon ago
Freelancer Level LEVEL 10 < expert >
All Time Success Rate
Temp. Success Rate
Able to submit tasks
Tasks Done Breakdown
SEO + Promote Content + Search + Engage
54.97%Twitter or Threads Micro-Influencer
34.13%Video Marketing
3.18%Sign up
1.88%Promotion (Voting & Rating)
1.33%Instagram Micro-Influencer
1.01%Mobile Applications (iPhone & Android)
0.61%Facebook Micro-Influencer
0.32%Computer programs (PC)
0.13%TikTok, Shorts, Reels
0.08%Write an honest review (Service, Product)
0.03%Freelancer Level
LEVEL 10 < expert >
Your freelancer's level determines the level of jobs available for you. The higher level you have - the higher the price of the jobs you can access.
Levels are determined based on the amount of accumulated points. You earn points for each task rated Satisfied and for each $1 earned with tasks.
But keep in mind, your level could decrease due to prolonged inactivity or tasks rated Not Satisfied.
Keep up great work to reach out to the next level and get access to more jobs!
Rule | Points |
Starter freelancer completing starter jobs | 30 |
Advanced freelancer completing starter jobs | 20 |
Advanced freelancer completing advanced jobs | 30 |
Expert freelancer completing starter jobs | 10 |
Expert freelancer completing advanced jobs | 20 |
Expert freelancer completing expert jobs | 30 |
Tasks rated as excellent | + 50% points |
For each $1 earned | 40 |
Tasks rated not satisfied | -50 * freelancer level |
Tasks rated as spam/duplicated | -200 * freelancer level |
1 week inactivity | -100 * freelancer level |
Buyer Performance
Jobs Started 0
Tasks Paid 0
Avg. Payment $0.000
Jobs Finished 0
Tasks Satisfied 0%
Buyer Level LEVEL 0 < starter >
Buyer Level
LEVEL 0 < starter >
SEO & Local SEO Expert
Since 2017 I am working in the field of SEO and Local SEO in different freelancing marketplace and successfully completed more than 4000 individual projects. I have also a very good knowledge over python and Cybersecurity .
I am best at
Local SEO
Web Development
Hobbies & Interests
Ethical Hacking
Favorite Books
Islamic books.
No reviews for this gig yet.
I will do 2000 High Authority Backlinks Skyrocket Your Website's SEO Performance Now
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